All-Time High Scores

Lots of records have been set, broken, and reclaimed again. Check here for the latest records set on our machines. If you break any of these records here, let us know so we can add your score!

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Altered Beast --- 456,900
Asteroids UBI 65,670
Burgertime KEN 43,600
Centipede RBV 355,345
Championship Sprint JOE 16,771,052
Contra HEY 1,012,600
Defender BBB 999,975
Dig Dug ROM 288,660
Donkey Kong CSG 644,600
Donkey Kong Jr. BMV 95,300
Double Dragon JLM 88,120
Dragon's Lair DCS 423,166
Frogger DCS 29,590
Galaga DCS 6,831,890
Golden Axe ? ?
Joust LON 9,999,999
Mappy EPS 102,390
Marble Madness RBV 73,210
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 ONI 200,000,000 (10 wins)
Millipede EWS 330,293
Moon Patrol DCS 66,130
Mortal Kombat 2 CRL 10 (Wins in a row)
Ms. Pac-Man APK 449,070
NBA Max. Hangtime JIMMY 35-26 (Most Games Won)
Neo Geo: Metal Slug 2 APE 107,400
Neo Geo: Puzzle Bobble MT 5,446,230
NFL Blitz '99 LDS .857 (Best Win Percentage)
Pac-Man --- 104,080
Popeye AND 61,620
Punch-Out! RAY 117,110
Q*Bert JWW 1,500,070
Rampage --- 75,840
Rampart PRO 47,078 (1-Player)
Rampart BEW 22,058 (2-Player)
Rampart DAH 20,926 (3-Player)
Robotron BMF 240,550
Rolling Thunder --- 176,900
Root Beer Tapper ? ?
Simpsons A 292
Space Invaders TIF 5,540
Street Fighter 2: HF MCA 814,317
Super Mario Bros. KEC 1,656,450
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DOA 365
Tempest JWW 912,341
Tetris JEN 994,708
Tron DS 435,730
Addams Family MSR 314,102,630
Creature FTBL BMF 477,990,750
Ghostbusters BDA 2,075,324,560
Pin*Bot JSL 9,999,999 (Rolled Over)
Ripley's BION PML 50,000,000
Theatre of Magic SLG 1,304,630,540
Whirlwind MIG 19,886,130
Xenon ? ?

Gone But Not Forgotten

We rotate games in & out, so some games may no longer be on the floor. However, we've saved these top scores for games that have 'retired'.

Arkanoid --- 218,590
Berzerk JWW 9,880
Bubble Bobble WJS 320,340
Crystal Castles JSF 15,300
Darkstalkers CAP 192,102
Final Fight --- 2,045,323
Gauntlet IMB 172,990 (Warrior)
Gauntlet BOB 123,541 (Wizard)
Gauntlet MAT 107,293 (Valkyrie)
Gauntlet BAA 133,539 (Elf)
Gravitar LYN 400,000
Hogan's Alley ? ?
House of the Dead ? 41,613
Killer Instinct QTK 1,130,000
Mario Bros. AYP 131,860
Marvel vs. Capcom CAP 1,374,207
Missile Command NJC 328,765
Neo Geo: Metal Slug 5 SNK 684,209
Neo Geo: Top Hunter KAZ 200,000
Neo Geo: Windjammers D.E 100,000
Neo Geo: World Heroes 2 AAA 613,601
Roadblasters --- 52,710
Space Duel HAM 68,370 (1-Player, single mode)
Space Duel PAT 126,840 (1-Player, dual mode)
Space Duel PAT 35,850 (2-Player, single mode)
Space Duel HAM/MWW 157,070 (2-Player, dual mode)
Stargate PHR 102,181
Terminator 2 --- 4,971,300
Zaxxon RBV 45,000
AC/DC: Luci ACE 109,279,600
Diner MIG 33,176,400
Doctor Who MIG 383,902,780
Earthshaker RJK 27,939,830
Funhouse ALM 38,821,050
Getaway: High Speed 2 --- 1,935,914,190
Indiana Jones BMF 654,725,340
Jurassic Park EDC 500,000,000
Lord of the Rings KEF 75,000,000
Metallica TOM 357,021,960
Monster Bash GAG 155,374,880
Revenge From Mars BDA 337,047,100
Simpsons: Pinball Party NJK 55,264,690
Spiderman ACE 173,453,540
Star Trek MSR 209,952,560
Star Trek: TNG ? ?
Walking Dead: Premium BMU 297,047,200
Wizard of Oz KED 1,129,834
World Cup Soccer '94 GSD 4,134,891,350
X-Men KID 106,682,170

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